Winterization & Storage

Winterization and Storage options available at Colonial power in MilfordWinterization and Storage options available at Colonial power in Milford


As the summer season comes to an end, we want to offer you the oppertunity to receive premium service & storage for your powersports equipment. Our technicians will prepare your equipment for the winter ahead and back to operating conditions when the next summer season starts ready for your use!


- Treat the fuel in your tank to prevent any fuel-related issues

- Disconnect your powersports vehicle's battery. 

- Perform proper scheduled maintenance and winterization to ensure you don't lose the manufacturer warranty coverage on your vehicle!


Winterization Starting at


- Shirnk Wrapping of your vehicle once winterization service is complete

- Storage in our sercure Indoor & Outdoor facility.


Seasonal Shrink Wrap Starting at

Seasonal Storage Starting at

Re-Commission for Summer!

- Removal of Shrink Wrap.

- Charge Battery/Batteries.

- Wash, Wax & Run Motor.

- Check Lights & Tire Pressure. 


Summerization Starting at

Motorcycle Storage starting from as low as $100/month
CAN-AM On Road storage starting from $150/month

Price includes Fuel Stabilizer & Battery Maintenance

Personal Watercraft Storage package starting from $1,599 for 6 Months (A $200 Savings Overall)
Package includes Winterization, Shrink Wrap, Storage & Summarize for next season!

Individual service pricing available on request. Please use the form below or call 203-701-2065 for more details


Pricing does not include Taxes. All package services must be paid in full in advance. It takes approximately 10-7 days to recommission your vehicle for summer. Please schedule your summerization appointment accordingly. Please 203-401-7727 or submite the form above for more details.